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Peach Care + Quality

Learn more about our peaches and how we provide fresh fruit, guaranteed.

What makes your peaches different?

The Peach Truck peaches are grown, picked, and packed with love and skill on small family farms in the US.  All of The Peach Truck peaches are grown in the United States. Grocery store peaches have a long journey between a farm to the shelf to you

Where are your peaches grown?

The Peach Truck peaches are grown, picked, and packed with love and skill in the United States.

What is the difference between Clingstone and Freestone peaches?

Freestone peaches are typically picked in late June. The first peaches of the season are Clingstone peaches, meaning the flesh of the fruit clings fully to the pit. In early June we transition to Semi-Clings peaches, meaning the flesh of the peach co

What are white peaches?

While we typically harvest yellow peaches, we sometimes get the opportunity to offer white peach varieties!. White peaches are a variety of peach characterized by their white to pale yellow flesh, as opposed to the more common yellow peaches. They ha

How long do white peaches last?

White peaches can last for about a week and a few days (assuming you don't eat them all before that!) White peaches have more sugar content than yellow peaches - the same thing that makes them so sweet and delicious also makes them more delicate than

Can I bake/cook with white peaches?

Absolutely! Just know that they contain a different taste profile than peaches you might be used to due to the lack of acidity. We'd recommend giving a white peach a try first before baking or processing in bulk - "traditional" peach recipes might no

What is peach conditioning?

Conditioning is the process of getting your tree-ripe peach to your desired softness. For proper conditioning, we recommend you keep your fresh peaches out of the refrigerator. Simply admire them on your counter until they reach your desired softness

Will the peaches be ripe when I get them?

Yes! We pick our peaches when they are tree-ripe, carefully pack them into boxes, and send them on their journey to you all in the same day. Whether you get peaches at a local pickup stop, or delivered to your door, they should be firm when you recei

Can I refrigerate my peaches?

It's important to let the peaches condition at room temperature before you store them in the refrigerator. You know your peaches are done conditioning if they give a little when lightly squeezed. At that point, you can store them in the fridge for ab

How long do fresh peaches keep?

Generally, conditioned peaches will last for 3-4 days on the counter, slightly longer in the fridge, and they can be frozen for an extended time.  In order for your peaches to condition properly, do not place them in the refrigerator if they are sti

How do I freeze peaches?

Freezing peaches is one of the easiest ways to preserve the flavors of summer. The freezing method also locks in the fresh peach flavors, so they’re ready to quickly thaw and bless your taste buds throughout the year. For best results, you’ll want to

What variety of peaches do you have?

We harvest over 40 varieties of peaches each summer and we pack and deliver whatever variety is ready to be picked. We work closely with our farmers to select the best varieties for our customers.  Are they Freestones? We have Clingstone peaches in t

What can I do with a whole box of peaches?

The possibilities are endless! We recently launched The Peach Truck Cookbook with 100 delicious recipes for all things peach. We also have freezing and canning instructions, and loads of fantastic recipes available on this page:

What if there's something wrong with my peaches?

We hold ourselves to a high standard, but sometimes we fall short of picking and delivering the perfect peach. Working with a fragile natural product is a joyful adventure, and we'll always take care of you if there's an issue with your peaches. We i

Are your peaches non-GMO or Organic?

Our produce is not organic, but is Non-GMO and minimally treated. That means that treating the crop is always a last resort, never our first option. The farms do reserve the right to protect the crop should it become vulnerable. Please note, glyphosa